What it is
The primary objective of a Facility Reactivation Survey (FRS) is to verify that the facility is fit for intended purpose, in compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements and to ensure that the unit is safe to mobilize and resume operations.
How it Benefits
- A reactivation survey assesses all equipment/structure condition and degradation (if any) and compares this with the information that was recorded in the facility’s record prior to lay-up.
- Minimizing risk exposure, along with reducing the time and cost for reactivation back into full operational readiness.
- Prepare the facility for pending Annual Hull and an Annual Machinery Class Surveys
- Prepare the facility and management systems for change of geography or regulatory regime
- Quantifies the rigs capability and capacity for the purpose of marketing the facility in one or more operating area (s) and prospective client (s) requirements.

FRS Overview
The extent of the Survey will be generally dependent on the existing status and time/conditions that the facility has been layed up. The initial baseline survey assesses all equipment/structure condition and degradation (if any) and compares this with the information that was recorded in the facility’s recorded during the layup period.
A gap analysis is then conducted on the contractual requirements verse ‘as is’ status of the facility. Work scopes/work packs are then formulated along with costings and project timelines to satisfy the requirements.
Equipment is examined prior to re-installation, function tested as considered necessary and verified in safe working condition. Further assurance is provided by functional testing or verification of fitness for service.
The validity of the various documents and certification are verified and updated or re-certification carried out as necessary.